Item 1: At least 40% of the characters in the promotional material of any ANUSA-run or -funded event must appear in adjectives, with at least 40% of the remaining characters appearing in adverbs. This will ensure greater representation of descriptive parts of speech in the community.
Item 2: Clubs and societies must apply for 40 grants from other organisations before receiving any money from GAC. This will help wean the GAC grant bludgers off the teat of ANUSA.
Item 3: Clive Palmer will sing as the headline act of the 2015 O-Week party. His musical talents will inspire us all.
1. Stop the boats!: i.e. stop rowing and divert money elsewhere like parking, etc.
2. Quidditch/Muggles: Anyone who plays quidditch classifies as a muggle and we would like to regulate this new sport and its participants to some extent.
3. Men’s Officer: There ought to be a position for Men’s Otfficer in ANUSA because sadly men are a very underrepresented group in student politics despite being a major stake holder.
#1 Establish a new Clubs and Societies Council
Computer Science for ANUSA will restructure the Grants and Affiliations Committee (GAC).The new Council will focus on building a high quality clubs and societies program with an aim to improving social and educational outcomes for all ANU students. The CSC will include representatives from the ANUSA and PARSA exec team, along with representatives elected by C&S, and representatives from the general student population.
#2 Investigate a more flexible funding model which would prevent future backlogs from occurring and guarantee continual support for C&S.
#3 The CSC will work to actively help C&S improve their operations so that they can organise activities and assist clubs in providing assistance for the most students possible.
#1. Department Funding
Connect recognises and celebrates our campus’ diversity. As such, an important policy to the CONNECT team is the ANUSA Department Funding. Developed in consultation with the Departments’, our policy promotes autonomy while providing Department Officers with training to ensure greater financial accountability at all levels of our organisation.
#2. Student Engagement
CONNECT is all about bringing people together. Student Engagement is keystone policy for our team, as it is important that every undergraduate student, international or domestic is aware of the services available and sees ANUSA as a reliable body to create change on campus. Connect sees greater marketing, more relevant and inclusive services, and efficient internal structure as a key to making ANUSA is effective in engaging all students.
#3. Education
Education is why we are here, and with the proposed changes to higher education CONNECT sees our role as not just fighting for student’s rights but also on utilizing ANUSA’s influence with students, the university and at a National Level to ensure that in the face of the reality we end up in, whether fee deregulation is passed through the Senate or not, students’ continue to have their rights and access to tertiary education prioritised. Additionally, we believe there are numerous changes ANU can make to improve the quality of education on campus, whether it be better online services or improved student representation at course and school levels.
“As a superhero deeply concerned about the future of the planet, my glorious vision for the future of the ANU can be encapsulated in the simple desire for ANU to stop its investments in coal and coal seam gas. I solemnly pledge, if elected, to transform ANU into a paradise of climate activism. For if ANU is to preserve its integrity as a leading institution in Australian public life, it must exemplify a commitment to social justice and responsibility. To invest the money of its students in these destructive industries is not merely reckless – it is contributing to the greatest catastrophe of our time. Dearest students, join me in voting YES! in the upcoming the referendum for a Fossil Free ANU! “
#1 Preserving the quality of YOUR ANU education
As it stands, our central concern for all ANU students is a decreasing regard for the value of undergraduate education being provided at the ANU. As ANUSA is the peak advocacy body for students, we are proposing to utilize the enormous number of intelligent and engaged students ANUSA has, as well as students from across the whole campus, to come together and show that ANU students wont stand for a devaluation of their education by running DIY tutorials to offer the services the university is choosing to cut.
#2 An Adult Approach to Alcohol at the ANU
At the ANU we’re all adults and as such it’s necessary to ensure the policies we advocate reflect this. Recent amendments to the ANU liquor statutes have made this year one of the hardest for many halls, colleges, clubs and societies at the ANU. Students need to feel as if their university can trust them to act as sensible adults and because of this, Fetch supports an Alcohol Policy focused on responsible drinking in a culture where we as a student body can discuss the positives and negatives of our drinking culture, not stigmatise it.
#3 Improved collective funding model
Fetch believes in a collective funding model that respects the autonomous views and values of the ANUSA Collectives, whilst offering more opportunity for funding to be delivered above the existing constitutional minimum. Fetch will implement a funding model, in consultation with our collectives, that will better serve their diverse needs.
1) Whole of Campus Engagement
Fling cares about this because we want to represent ALL Undergraduate Students. We want to see our events, our activism, and our negotiation representing students of all backgrounds. We want to see ANUSA fighting for Non-Residential and Residential Students, International and Domestic Students, as well as students of ALL genders and backgrounds.
2) Clubs and Societies
We want to ensure that ANUSA provides efficient and stable support for Clubs and Societies. The best Clubs are those where Students devote themselves to that Club, not where they drown in GAC paperwork. We want to make sure that GAC is more efficient, leaving more time for students to better the experience of other students. We will also review grant funding to ensure that Clubs and Societies are empowered to hold the best events.
3) Internal Reform
An election like this brings out the best. You can’t take the most active and determined students, and give them the capacity only to BBQ. We want to see the SRC as a whole represent the student population, and to see all of our reps working to better this campus. Every Gen Rep, Every Fac Rep, Every Collective Officer, and Every Exec member will be empowered to do everything they want to to better this University, in an atmosphere which is more accountable than ever.
1. End Parallel Import Bans on Textbooks
Swipe Right will advocate for the abolishment of Parallel Import Restrictions (PIRs) on textbooks at both the ANUSA and NUS level. Parallel Import Bans are nothing but an extra cost on students that serve to protect the profits of inefficient and globally uncompetitive firms.
2. Regional, Rural and Remote Students Officer
Swipe Right supports the establishment of a Regional, Rural and Remote (RRR) Students Officer for ANUSA. This position is need in order to cater for the special needs and wants of RRR Students.
3. Better Student Services and Amenities
Swipe Right believes that all students should have access to high quality services and amenities. This includes services such as advocating for clean restrooms, well maintain sports fields and study spaces on campus.
1. Student Owned and Run Housing
ANUSA has significant cash reserves, currently sitting in low-yield term deposits. We’ll invest a portion of this into residential property, to be able to offer student owned and operated housing options. All students will benefit from a healthy stream of rental income, as well as capital gains on the properties. This has the three-fold benefit of a healthy stream of rental income for ANUSA, capital gains on the properties and empowering students to grasp the affordable, community-driven housing that they deserve.
2. Nightlife on Campus
There should be more to Canberra nights than Maccas and Kmart. Many students like to stay up late, whether to study or socialise, and there’s no reason for ANUSA to shut up shop at 5pm so we’ll open Brian Kenyon Student Space until 2am every night. From 7pm every evening, we’ll offer a delicious menu featuring gourmet toasties and other snacks – all made by chef-trained staff for very reasonable prices.
3. Improving Sharehouse Life
Sharehouse living is heaps of fun, but like everything has its downsides. Backed by new library software, we’ll offer free hire of hardware and big appliances, e.g. lawnmowers and vacuum cleaners. Don’t have a car? No worries, we also plan to buy an ANUSA ute. We’ll hire a driver each weekend to deliver hire equipment and to help with other moving-related chores – all at bargain basement student prices.
#1 Students Dig Coal promises to get your burn on. We promise to turn Union Court into an open cut coal mine, rename Bush Week ‘Deforest Week’ and make ANU divest from all non-fossil fuel investments (and reinvest in tobacco). We’re also promising exciting new social events, such as the ‘Frack Ball,’ we’ll upscale ‘Crash a Country Pub’ to ‘Repossess a Country Farm.’
#2 So your planet is going to hell? Whatever! Let’s all stop pretending there’s anything we can do to keep fossil fuels in the ground and embrace the profits! Join the one percent.
#3 And whatever you do, don’t you dare vote YES in the referendum.
We acknowledge the Ngunnawal and Ngambri people, who are the Traditional Custodians of the land on which Woroni, Woroni Radio and Woroni TV are created, edited, published, printed and distributed. We pay our respects to Elders past and present. We acknowledge that the name Woroni was taken from the Wadi Wadi Nation without permission, and we are striving to do better for future reconciliation.