Election Candidates - Woroni Board of Editors | 2022-23

During the week of 24-28 October (week 12), students have the opportunity to elect editors to the ANU Student Media Board.

The link to vote will be emailed to all ANU students on Monday 24 October. All ANU students are eligible to vote.

Any questions relating to the election process should be directed to Returning Office Roxanne Missingham at Roxanne.Missingham@anu.edu.au

The nominees for each position and their bios are listed here:

Candidates for Content Editor

1. Indy Shead

After pioneering the new Multimedia and Multilingual portfolio in 2021, sourcing, editing and writing articles for five editions, prioritising diversity of voices and forms, I’m confident in my ability to expand the Content portfolio.

My vision for the content portfolio going forward has two key facets. Firstly, to increase the physical presence on campus, by engaging and encouraging students in-person and through literary clubs and societies. Additionally, running in person events to upskill and engage student writers through writing, editing and copywriting workshops, allowing people to experiment and gain confidence in a variety of styles. Further emphasising that Woroni is a place for writers to grow, experiment and refine their skills.

This feeds into my second aim, to create a larger diversity of student voices, experiences and mediums published. Sub-Editors will receive greater training and awareness, working in consultation with ANUSA Departments and organisations to create informed and relevant prompts, uplifting writers from minority backgrounds and intersectional experiences. This will focus on illuminating the often neglected voices of BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, disabled and international students, creating holistic and representational content. With a focus on online content, especially promoting multimedia pieces, serials, and activities, the engagement and diversity of voices will increase.

2. Amir Alikhani

My name is Amir Alikhani, and I would love to work as Woroni’s Content Editor! I have always had a passion for journalism, and it is hopefully something I would like to pursue professionally in the future. As a student, I think news and media is critical in exploring our interests and sharing it with the broader community. That is the biggest reason why I’d like to be Woroni Content Editor, because I would be able to use my platform to encourage creativity, sharing ideas and writing that is meaningful to all of us as an ANU community.

At the very least, I would like to be able to promote student media and journalism and work alongside other talented writers, artists, photographers and reporters in order to put together a publication that can make anybody feel welcomed and have their voices heard. 

3. Luca Ittimani

In the middle of 2022, I found myself aimless and distraught. There’s a malaise that strikes every PPE student after they do Microeconomics 2. In every essay I wrote, my creative spark was drowned out by regurgitations of other, smarter authors. My only escape, an Instagram fanpage to Anthony Albanese, had run out of steam after the federal election.

And yet a light shone through, a rescue from this boggy creative wasteland: ‘JOIN WORONI,’ came the call. ‘BECOME OUR SATIRE SUB-EDITOR’. I heard and heeded, and at the start of this semester, I went behind the curtain. I’ve loved it here. You create, you work with creative, hardworking, quick-thinking people, and you encourage people around you to express themselves.

Now I want you to join me. Everyone can write for the mag, but so few do.  The challenge for the Content Editor is to get more people writing for the mag. I’ve seen the team struggle with that this semester. As editor, I’ll push to get more students of more backgrounds, telling whatever story they want, however they want to tell it. I’ll hold tight the hand of the student body, caress its forehead, and together we can bring a billion article babies into the world and onto Woroni’s pages.

Candidates for Television Editor

1. Zoe Crowston

I’ve been with Woroni for almost 18 months now and have had an absolute blast. I’m so glad I found my place in the TV Team and want to give others the opportunity to have the same positive experiences that I did! This is why I want to apply for the role of TV Editor. 

Since starting in 2021 as a TV Production Assistant, I’ve been involved in a wide range of projects including a stop-motion about lockdown, a federal election info-guide, a documentary feature on the ANU Solar Car Team and more. I’ve really enjoyed taking on more responsibility as Executive TV Producer this semester and would love to draw on this experience to continue supporting my teammates next year. 

As TV Editor, I aim to foster a positive working environment where team members feel included, motivated and equipped with the necessary tools and skills to bring their ideas to life. I’d also be keen to introduce more social events for the TV team to build on an already strong sense of community. 

Finally, I am motivated to keep improving on Woroni TV’s positive contribution to student life- reporting on campus news, amplifying student voices and providing top-quality entertainment. 

2. Virginia Plas

I’ve been a part of Woroni TV for two years, as a production assistant, producer, and executive producer. This has taught me a lot about how to make videos for an ANU audience, how the TV team functions, and the kind of support each team member needs. The best thing about working for Woroni is being part of its vibrant community, and encouraging a sense of camaraderie within the TV portfolio is something I’m very passionate about.

As Television Editor, I would lean into Woroni’s function as a creative and journalistic training facility. There is a lot we can learn from each other within student media, and I’d encourage intra- and inter-portfolio collaboration: sharing skills within TV, learning storytelling and technical skills from other portfolios. I would also explore how we can further engage with the broader ANU community and consider diversifying our video formats.

Leadership experiences in Woroni and beyond have taught me robust communication, planning, and production skills, but the most important thing I’ve learnt from student media is how talented and enthusiastic the people who get involved are. Above all else, I’m committed to supporting the TV portfolio to continue the wonderful work they are already doing.

Candidates for Managing Editor (Uncontested)

Matthew Box

I took over the position of Managing Editor of Woroni at the start of Semester 2 this year and have learnt a lot during my time in the position. Managing Editor is a varied role that spans financial management, strategic planning and guiding and assisting other Board members – so it was a challenging role to come into for 1 semester. 

I have worked closely with the whole Board of Editors across different portfolios and would love the chance to continue as Managing Editor for another year. During my time as Managing Editor I have focused on continuing the projects set up by previous Manging Editors, working jointly with other student organisations on SSAF funding and updating the Association’s financial policies and processes for the future. There is still a lot more work to be done on these projects and if elected I am excited to continue this work.

I hope to continue to support the work of all Woroni’s teams, contributors, sub-editors and editors by using my knowledge of the role and the organisation effectively throughout 2023.

Candidates for Art Editor (Uncontested)

Jasmin Small

My name is Jasmin Small (u7481548), and I’m a first-year undergraduate running for the position of Art Editor. I’m currently a senior artist on the art team and have been with Woroni since the beginning of the year. I would love to be more involved with the artistic direction of the magazine as I find it super inspiring what our wonderful team can do! I’m also keen on overseeing the production of consistently high-quality content to represent Student Media to the wider population. In my opinion, the relationship between Woroni and the ANU more broadly is key to fostering a prosperous environment for creativity and analytical discussion. It would be my honour to oversee the art team’s part in this.



We acknowledge the Ngunnawal and Ngambri people, who are the Traditional Custodians of the land on which Woroni, Woroni Radio and Woroni TV are created, edited, published, printed and distributed. We pay our respects to Elders past and present. We acknowledge that the name Woroni was taken from the Wadi Wadi Nation without permission, and we are striving to do better for future reconciliation.